프로그램 사용/ajaxplorer
ajaxplorer 3.2.4 released + update/upgrade
2011. 6. 15. 16:03
3.2.3의 버그가 왕창 수정되었다고 하는데 실질적인 변경점은 모르겠다
(그래봤자 여전히 한글 디렉토리 / 파일 명은 깨지는구만 -_-)
[링크 : http://www.ajaxplorer.info/wordpress/releases/ajaxplorer-3-2-4/]
업그레이드는 아래와 같이
2개의 디렉토리와 2개의 파일을 복사해주면 해결이 된다.
(그래봤자 여전히 한글 디렉토리 / 파일 명은 깨지는구만 -_-)
[링크 : http://www.ajaxplorer.info/wordpress/releases/ajaxplorer-3-2-4/]
업그레이드는 아래와 같이
2개의 디렉토리와 2개의 파일을 복사해주면 해결이 된다.
What are the standard upgrade instructions?
In standard installation (no specific customization except configuration), your specific configuration data can be found in server/conf/ and server/users. On this base, the upgrade should be quite straightforward :
- Download and install AjaXplorer inside a new folder
- Copy the whole content of the old server/users/ folder inside the new server/users/- Do the same with the old server/logs/ folder content
- If you had not made any changes to server/conf/conf.php, this step is not necessary. Otherwise, open the old and new server/conf/conf.php and compare them. Copy your changes to the new file.
- Copy the file server/conf/repo.ser inside the new server/conf/ folder.
- If the files accessed by your repositories where inside the ajaxplorer installation (which is not recommended), you have to copy them to the new location, and you’ll have to re-check the PATH parameter of your repositories. [A tip : working on a remote server, if you don't have an ssh access, use AjaXplorer to make this move, as it can be quite long if you have to use ftp...]
- Access your new install. You may see the diagnostic page, as the the diagnostic results are generated at install. Go forward and you should be able to login with the previous users rights and repositories.
If you had specific plugins that need external downloads, do not forget to update them (CKEditor distribution, OpenLayer distribution).
[링크 : http://www.ajaxplorer.info/wordpress/documentation-3/chapter-faq/] |