
UPS RS-232 케이블 결선도

구차니 2011. 6. 7. 16:49
결론은 크로스 케이블?

DB-9 Name EIA CCITT DTE-DCE Description
Pin # Pin #
1 FG AA 101 --- Frame Ground/Chassis GND
2 3 TD BA 103 ---> Transmitted Data, TxD
3 2 RD BB 104 <--- Received Data, RxD
4 7 RTS CA 105 ---> Request To Send
5 8 CTS CB 106 <--- Clear To Send
6 6 DSR CC 107 <--- Data Set Ready
7 5 SG AB 102 ---- Signal Ground, GND
8 1 DCD CF 109 <--- Data Carrier Detect
9 -- -- - - Positive DC test voltage
10 -- -- - - Negative DC test voltage
11 QM -- - <--- Equalizer mode
12 SDCD SCF 122 <--- Secondary Data Carrier Detect
13 SCTS SCB 121 <--- Secondary Clear To Send
14 STD SBA 118 ---> Secondary Transmitted Data
15 TC DB 114 <--- Transmitter (signal) Clock
16 SRD SBB 119 <--- Secondary Receiver Clock
17 RC DD 115 ---> Receiver (signal) Clock
18 DCR -- - <--- Divided Clock Receiver
19 SRTS SCA 120 ---> Secondary Request To Send
20 4 DTR CD 108.2 ---> Data Terminal Ready
21 SQ CG 110 <--- Signal Quality Detect
22 9 RI CE 125 <--- Ring Indicator
23 -- CH 111 ---> Data rate selector
24 -- CI 112 <--- Data rate selector
25 TC DA 113 <--- Transmitted Clock
Pin Assignment for the Serial Port (RS-232C), 25-pin and 9-pin

[링크 : http://www.linuxjunkies.org/html/UPS-HOWTO.html#ss6.3]

An APCSmart UPS and its computer communicate through an RS232C serial connection. They use it as a character channel (2400bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity) and pass commands back and forth in a primitive language resembling modem-control codes. The different APC UPSes all use closely related firmware, so the language doesn't vary much (later versions add more commands). This class of UPS is in decline, rapidly being replaced in APC's product line by USB UPSes.