모종의 음모/UFO:AI 한글화
보안등급 - Clearance
2009. 3. 9. 09:59
당췌.. 죽어라 찾아도 안나오고, 맞는지는 모르는 내용일뿐이고 -ㅁ-
어찌하란 말이오~ ㅠ.ㅠ
굳이 비교하자면
Alpha Clearance는 1급비밀
Beta Clearance는 2급비밀
Delta Clearance는 3급 비밀
Epsilion/Sigma Clearance는 대외비 정도 되려나?
어찌하란 말이오~ ㅠ.ㅠ
A: The SG rankings represent Citadel security levels. Alpha Clearance has full permissions and are the heroes who take responsibility for keeping the Citadel going. Beta Clearance are team leaders. Delta Clearance are team lieutenants. Epsilon Clearance is everyone else, and Sigma Clearance is for temporary guests (and for people who haven't gotten oriented yet). [출처 : http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=231718&ForumID=1170773&TabID=1951423&TopicID=7059500] |
굳이 비교하자면
Alpha Clearance는 1급비밀
Beta Clearance는 2급비밀
Delta Clearance는 3급 비밀
Epsilion/Sigma Clearance는 대외비 정도 되려나?
CONFIDENTIAL: Applied to information or material the unauthorized disclosure of which could be reasonably expected to cause damage to the national security. SECRET: Applied to information or material the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage to the national security. TOP SECRET: Applied to information or material the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.
[링크 : http://usmilitary.about.com/cs/generalinfo/a/security.htm] |