프로그램 사용/VLC

VLC를 웹 쿼리로 제어하기 - VLC web control

구차니 2010. 4. 21. 15:08
VLC 에는 web interface 라는 넘이 있는데,
이녀석을 원격지에서 http query를 통해 제어가 가능하다.

윈도우에서 기본설치시
C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\http\requests 경로에 존재하는 파일을 읽어보면 될 듯 하다.

웹에서 접속시에는
식으로 하면된다.

아래는 readme.txt 파일

This file describes commands available through the requests/ file:

Lines starting with < describe what the page sends back
Lines starting with > describe what you can send to the page

All parameters need to be URL encoded.
 # -> %23
 % -> %25
 + -> %2B
 space -> +

< Get VLC status information, current item info and meta.

> add <mrl> to playlist and start playback:

> add <mrl> to playlist:

> play playlist item <id>:

> toggle pause. If current state was 'stop', play item <id>:

> stop playback:

> jump to next item:

> jump to previous item:

> delete item <id> from playlist:

> empty playlist:

> sort playlist using sort mode <val> and order <id>:
  If id=0 then items will be sorted in normal order, if id=1 they will be
  sorted in reverse order
  A non exhaustive list of sort modes:
    0 Id
    1 Name
    3 Author
    5 Random
    7 Track number

> toggle random playback:

> toggle loop:

> toggle repeat:

> toggle enable service discovery module <val>:
  Typical values are:

> toggle fullscreen:

> set volume level to <val> (can be absolute integer, percent or +/- relative value):
  Allowed values are of the form:
    +<int>, -<int>, <int> or <int>%

> seek to <val>:
  Allowed values are of the form:
    [+ or -][<int><H or h>:][<int><M or m or '>:][<int><nothing or S or s or ">]
    or [+ or -]<int>%
    (value between [ ] are optional, value between < > are mandatory)
    1000 -> seek to the 1000th second
    +1H:2M -> seek 1 hour and 2 minutes forward
    -10% -> seek 10% back

< get the full playlist tree

< ?dir=<dir>
> get <dir>'s filelist

< get the full list of VLM elements

< execute VLM command <cmd>
> get the error message from <cmd>

[링크 : http://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=45842]

2009/12/08 - [프로그램 사용/VLC] - VLC 웹 인터페이스 원격지에서 안될경우
2009/11/24 - [프로그램 사용/VLC] - VLC web interface(웹 인터페이스)