리눅스 콘솔에서 gmail 통해 메일 보내기는 실패 ㅠㅠ
smtp 설정이 없어서
[링크 : https://www.tecmint.com/send-email-attachment-from-linux-commandline/]
다른걸 찾아보니 ssmtp 라는걸 통해 보내기도 하네?
[<-] 220 smtp.gmail.com ESMTP h8sm1096aae22880pfo.64 - gsmtp [->] EHLO kali [<-] 250 SMTPUTF8 [->] STARTTLS [<-] 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS [->] EHLO kali [<-] 250 SMTPUTF8 [->] AUTH LOGIN [<-] 334 VXNlcm5edhbAWU6 [->] dmlzaGFsY2hhasd2dWhhbjIyMTJAZ21haWwuY29t [<-] 334 UGFzqc3dmvcmQ36 [<-] 235 2.7.0 Accepted [->] MAIL FROM:<root@kali> [<-] 250 2.1.0 OK h8smqer10962480pfo.64 - gsmtp [->] RCPT TO:<crazy@yopmail.com> [<-] 250 2.1.5 OK h8smqer10962480pfo.64 - gsmtp [->] DATA [<-] 354 Go ahead h8sm10962880pfo.64 - gsmtp [->] Received: by kali (sSMTP sendmail emulation); Thu, 19 Sep 2019 21:45:14 +0530 [->] From: "root" <root@kali> [->] Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2019 21:45:14 +0530 [->] Hey There! This is a test mail [->] [->] . [<-] 250 2.0.0 OK 1568909725 h8smqer10962480pfo.64 - gsmtp [->] QUIT [<-] 221 2.0.0 closing connection h8smqer10962480pfo.64 - gsmtp |
[링크 : https://netcorecloud.com/tutorials/linux-send-mail-from-command-line-using-smtp-server/]
mail을 실행하니 mailbox를 열수 없대서 pi 계정을 mail 그룹에 추가했는데도 안되서
해당 디렉토리 생성하니 파일이 필요하다고 배째는 구나 ㅋㅋ
아무튼 파일까진 생성했는데 외부로 메일 어떻게 보내지?
$ mail Cannot open mailbox /var/mail/pi: Permission denied No mail for pi $ sudo adduser pi mail Adding user `pi' to group `mail' ... Adding user pi to group mail Done. $ sudo mkdir /var/mail/pi Cannot open mailbox /var/mail/pi: Is a directory No mail for pi $ sudo rm -rf /var/mail/pi $ sudo touch /var/mail/pi Cannot open mailbox /var/mail/pi: Permission denied No mail for pi $ sudo chown pi:pi /var/mail/pi pi@raspberrypi:~ $ mail No mail for pi |
[링크 : https://askubuntu.com/questions/350853/]
메일 릴레이, 구글 워크스페이스 유료버전일 경우 가능
[링크 : https://support.google.com/a/answer/176600?hl=ko]
$ echo -e "to: receiver@domain.tld\nsubject: subject\n"| (cat - && uuencode /path/to/attachment attachment.name) | ssmtp receiver@gmail.com |
[링크 : https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/44043/how-can-i-send-attachment-with-ssmtp-in-linux]
uuencode 설치하려면 아래 패키지가 필요하다.
$ sudo apt-get install sharutils |
[링크 : https://askubuntu.com/questions/232440/how-do-i-install-uudecode]
On ubuntu/debian, this file is in /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt. You could symlink it. The /etc/pki/ path is used on Redhat. |
[링크 : https://askubuntu.com/questions/342484/etc-pki-tls-certs-ca-bundle-crt-not-found]
마지막 줄은 에러로 뜨는데 도대체 멀까 ㅠㅠ
[<-] 220 smtp.gmail.com ESMTP y5sm1106947pfb.207 - gsmtp [->] EHLO raspberrypi [<-] 250 SMTPUTF8 [->] STARTTLS [<-] 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS [->] EHLO raspberrypi [<-] ssmtp: (raspberrypi) |
구글 보안때문에 안되는건가...
[링크 : https://medium.com/swlh/setting-up-gmail-and-other-email-on-a-raspberry-pi-6f7e3ad3d0e]