oneAPI Quartus pro 필요?
Q: DE10-Nano에서 oneAPI 하려는데 안되요~
A: Quartus Pro 사세요
As of now OneAPI addon is supported in Quartus Pro only. |
[링크 :]
근데.. pro는 비싸지 않나...
그리고 addon 이라고 하면.. addon이 아닌 상태로는 lite로도 가능하다는 건가?
지원되는 하드웨어에... Arria 10GX / Stratix 10SX 가 포함된 PC 카드 타입..
Supported Hardware FPGA Cards Intel® Programmable Acceleration Card (PAC) with Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA with Intel® Acceleration Stack for Intel® Xeon® CPU with FPGAs Version 1.2.1 Intel® FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card D5005 (previously known as Intel® PAC with Intel® Stratix® 10 SX FPGA) with Intel® Acceleration Stack for Intel® Xeon® CPU with FPGAs Version 2.0.1 Custom Platforms (Ported from Intel® Arria® 10 GX and Intel® Stratix® 10 GX reference platforms) Intel® Custom Platforms with Intel® Quartus® Prime software version 20.4 Intel® Custom Platforms with Intel® Quartus® Prime software version 20.3 Intel® Custom Platforms with Intel® Quartus® Prime software version 20.2 Intel® Custom Platforms with Intel® Quartus® Prime software version 19.4 |
[링크 :]
혹시나 저렴한(!) DE10-Nano로는 안되나 찾아봐야 하는데.. 위에 링크에서 일단 좌절중!
그래도 모르니 Standard와 Nano를 비교해보니 cyclone V SE와 SX의 차이라..
DE10-Standard Cyclone V SX SoC—5CSXFC6D6F31C6N (110K LEs, 41509 ALMs
[링크 :]
DE10-Nano Intel Cyclone® V SE 5CSEBA6U23I7 device (110K LEs)
[링크 :]