프로그램 사용/openHPC

wwsh (warewulf shell)

구차니 2020. 12. 2. 17:24


# wwsh --help
wwsh [wwsh options] [command] [object] [command options]
     --nodhcp       -- Do not update dhcpd.conf file.
  -d|--debug        -- Enable Debug Output
     --help         -- Print this help
  -v|--verbose      -- Enable Verbose Output
  -q|--quiet        -- Enable Quiet Mode
  -y|--yes|--noask  -- Assume 'Yes' to all questions

  help              -- Print command (module) help

# wwsh help
Warewulf command line shell interface

Welcome to the Warewulf shell interface. This application allows you
to interact with the Warewulf backend database and modules via a
single interface.

  bootstrap        Manage your bootstrap images
  dhcp             Manage DHCP service and configuration
  events           Control how events are handled
  exit             Exit/leave the Warewulf shell
  file             Manage files within the Warewulf data store
  ipmi             Node IPMI configuration
  node             Node manipulation commands
  object           Generically manipulate all Warewulf data store entries
  output           Set the output verbosity level
  provision        Node provision manipulation commands
  pxe              Manage PXE configuration
  quit             Exit/leave the Warewulf shell
  ssh              Spawn parallel ssh connections to nodes.
  vnfs             Manage your VNFS images


# wwsh help file
     file <command> [options] [targets]

     The file command is used for manipulating file objects.  It allows you to
     import, export, create, and modify files within the Warewulf data store.
     File objects may be used to supply files to nodes at provision time,
     dynamically create files or scripts based on Warewulf data and more.

     import             Import a file into a file object
     export             Export file object(s)
     edit               Edit the file in the data store directly
     new                Create a new file in the data store
     set                Set file attributes/metadata
     show               Show the contents of a file
     list               List a summary of imported file(s)
     print              Print all file attributes
     (re)sync           Sync the data of a file object with its source(s)
     delete             Remove a node configuration from the data store
     help               Show usage information

     -l, --lookup       Identify files by specified property (default: "name")
     -p, --program      What external program should be used (edit/show)
     -D, --path         Set destination (i.e., output) path for this file
     -o, --origin       Set origin (i.e., input) path for this file
     -m, --mode         Set permission attribute for this file
     -u, --uid          Set the UID for this file
     -g, --gid          Set the GID for this file
     -n, --name         Set the reference name for this file (not path!)
         --interpreter  Set the interpreter name to parse this file
         --overwrite    Overwrite the metadata in the file object on sync() to match the file at the origin path

NOTE:  Use "UNDEF" to erase the current contents of a given field.

     Warewulf> file import /path/to/file/to/import --name=hosts-file
     Warewulf> file import /path/to/file/to/import/with/given-name
     Warewulf> file edit given-name
     Warewulf> file set given-name --origin=UNDEF --mode=0700
     Warewulf> file set hosts-file --path=/etc/hosts --mode=0644 --uid=0
     Warewulf> file list
     Warewulf> file delete name123 given-name


# wwsh help ssh
     ssh [nodes/targets] [command]

     Run ssh connections to node(s) in parallel by either node names, group
     or any other known lookup.

     The target(s) specify which node(s) will be affected by the chosen
     action(s).  By default, node(s) will be identified by their name(s).
     Use the --lookup option to specify another property (e.g., "hwaddr"
     or "groups").

     All targets can be bracket expanded as follows:

         n00[0-99]       All nodes from n0000 through n0099 (inclusive)
         n00[00,10-99]   n0000 and all nodes from n0010 through n0099


     -l, --lookup        Identify nodes by specified property (default: "name")
     -a, --allnodes      Send command to all configured nodes


     Warewulf> ssh n00[00-49] hostname
     Warewulf> ssh -l groups compute,interactive hostname

[root@localhost warewulf]# wwsh help node
     node <command> [options] [targets]

     The node command is used for viewing and manipulating node objects.

         new             Create a new node configuration
         set             Modify an existing node configuration
         list            List a summary of nodes
         print           Print the node configuration
         delete          Remove a node configuration from the data store
         clone           Clone a node configuration to another node
         help            Show usage information

     The target(s) specify which node(s) will be affected by the chosen
     action(s).  By default, node(s) will be identified by their name(s).
     Use the --lookup option to specify another property (e.g., "hwaddr"
     or "groups").

     All targets can be bracket expanded as follows:

         n00[0-99]       All nodes from n0000 through n0099 (inclusive)
         n00[00,10-99]   n0000 and all nodes from n0010 through n0099

     -l, --lookup        Identify nodes by specified property (default: "name")
     -1                  With list command, output node name only
     -g, --groups        Specify all groups to which this node belongs
         --groupadd      Add node to specified group(s)
         --groupdel      Remove node from specified group(s)
     -D, --netdev        Specify network device to add or modify (defaults: eth0)
         --netdel        Remove specified netdev from node
         --netrename     Rename a given network interface
     -I, --ipaddr        Set IP address of given netdev
     -M, --netmask       Set subnet mask of given netdev
     -N, --network       Set network address of netdev
     -G, --gateway       Set gateway of given netdev
     -H, --hwaddr        Set hardware/MAC address
     -b, --bonddevs      Set bonding slave devices
     -B, --bondmode      Set bonding mode
     -f, --fqdn          Set FQDN of given netdev
     -m, --mtu           Set MTU of given netdev
     -p, --hwprefix      Specify a prefix for hardware/MAC address of a given netdev
     -c, --cluster       Specify cluster name for this node
         --domain        Specify domain name for this node
     -n, --name          Specify new name for this node
     -a, --arch          Specify architecture for this node (defaults: x86_64)
     -e, --enabled       Set whether the node is enabled (defaults: True)

     Warewulf> node new n0000 --netdev=eth0 --hwaddr=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
     Warewulf> node set n0000 -D eth0 -I -G
     Warewulf> node set n0000 --netdev=eth0 --netmask=
     Warewulf> node set --groupadd=mygroup,hello,bye --cluster=mycluster n0000
     Warewulf> node set --groupdel=bye --set=vnfs=sl6.vnfs
     Warewulf> node list xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx --lookup=hwaddr
     Warewulf> node print --lookup=groups mygroup hello group123
     Warewulf> node clone n0000 new0000
     Warewulf> node set --enabled=false n0000
     Warewulf> node set --arch=x86_64 n0000